Participate in the Orchestra

Who Can Participate?

Our Special Needs Orchestra is open to ALL individuals with special needs. While our youngest are 6–8 years of age and the oldest is in her 60s, there is no age limitation. No experience necessary!

Our members have diagnoses ranging from Autism to Down syndrome to chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner’s Syndrome.

We also do welcome children/teens without special needs to participate so that they learn how to be caring and compassionate towards others with special needs.​

Become a Volunteer

How can I help out?

Our volunteers are greatly loved and appreciated in Hearts For Music. Many of our special needs musicians often have physical and visual disabilities that require the loving guiding hands of another. No experience in music needed, just simply a genuine love for those with disabilities/special needs. Whether it’s hand-over-hand assistance or a friendly warm smile, assisting them to their vehicle, volunteers are a critical part of HFM. Please consider being a volunteer to our special needs musicians during rehearsals and public performances.

Make a Donation

How does my donation help Hearts for Music?

This donation will help a lot to achieve our mission of providing opportunities and avenues for individuals with special needs wanting to pursue their love for creating and performing music in a professional ensemble setting. 

We'll be able to :

  • Support musicians thrive while learning new instruments.

  • Provide opportunities to musicians that may not be able to otherwise.

  • Bring music into the lives of those who truly benefit from it's therapy,

  • Contribute to the funds that help with instrument repairs or supply new ones.

  • Directly fund a student to participate in our programs.

  • And so much more!